
原文作者:John Boyne
語言:繁體中文 ISBN:9789573324201

好久沒有這麼捨不得書中人物的難過,我不知道是不是因為書中男主角只有9歲,所以不想就這麼open ending的沒結果下去,還是不想面對戰爭的可怕!

博客來書一出英文版馬上訂,因為不貴,二話不說就買了!拿到書時只知道是關於兩個小男孩的故事,其他等待閱讀時再發現,但封面的顏色那時有讓我納悶了一下,怎麼這麼藍灰色!well, it's Nazi blue!


"Powerful and unsetting... As memorasble an introduciton to the subject as The Diary of Anne Frank.---- USA Today"

"Deeply affecting... Beautiful and sparely written.--- The Wall Street Journal"

"Fences like this exist all over the world. We hope you never have to encounter one."

最後一句裏的fence是整本書的重點,這讓我想起之前po過的一個MV(Some things cost more than you realize // from Radiohead),兩邊正反的生活對照,敘述大人的惡行.


心想:"Bruno你怎麼那麼傻,老天幫忙啊!沒關係,你父親會救你的,我相信!.......oh!不會吧!不要這樣就結束了!一定有出路~~~~, ----------The End!"

我是那種看戲瘋的人,但社會化30幾年的理智會不斷地告訴自己,不要忘了Shmuel才是那位已在黑洞爬不出來的可憐孩子!!!well, well, well....

這本書當然不是要我在這邊婦人之仁的哭哭啼啼,更深的人性覺醒才是作者的用心.極度推薦這本書!(英文版很簡單,建議買英文版來看!!!Believe me!)

(Chapter 10 The dot that became a speck that became a blob that became a figure that became a boy…)

Shmuel, who wasn’t crying any more, merely staring at the floor and looking as if he was trying to convince his soul not to live inside his tiny body any more, but to slip away and sail to the door and rise up into the sky, gliding through the clouds until it was very far away. (Charpter 15 something he shouldn’t have done P.173)

Bruno had an urge to give Shmuel a hug, just to let him know how much he liked him and how much he’d enjoyed talking to him over the last year.
Shmuel had an urge to give Bruno a hug too,just to thank him for all his many kindnesses, and his gifts of food, and the fact that he was going to help him find Papa.
Neither of them did hug each other though, and instead they began the walk away from the fence and towards the camp, a walk that Shmuel had done almost every day for a year now…
(Charpter 19 What happened the next day P.206)

… all he could see was two different types of people: either happy, laughing, shouting soldiers in their uniforms or unhappy, crying people in their striped pajamas, most of whom seemed to be staring into space as if they were actually asleep.
(Charpter 19 What happened the next day P.208)

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