90年代晚期成軍於德州休士頓的另類搖滾勁旅Blue October/藍色十月合唱團,成員包括主唱/創作靈魂/吉他手Justin Furstenfeld、他擔任鼓手的哥哥Jeremy、精通鋼琴/小提琴/中提琴…等多樣樂器的Ryan Delahoussaye,和後來加入的吉他手CB Hudson、貝斯手Matt Noveskey。他們精湛的現場演出、以及赤裸裸探討憂鬱症、藥物濫用、愛恨情仇、背叛、寬恕…等主題的音樂創作,成功建立了一批龐大的死忠歌迷。

Blue October, 無意間在網路搜尋時發現的一個好聲音,從books.com買了他們Foiled專輯,我只能佩服我的耳朵,相信我,你會愛上這個男人版的Annie Lennox,他們的聲音都會演戲,聽了他們的每一首歌,就好像閉著眼睛看了一齣百老匯.

Album: "Foiled" (2006)

1. You Make Me Smile
2. She's My Ride Home
3. Into The Ocean
4. What If We Could
5. Hate Me
7. Let It Go
8. Congratulations
9. Overweight
10.X-Amount Of Words
11. Drilled A Wire Through My Cheek
12. Sound Of Pulling Heaven Down
13. Everlasting Friend
14. 18th Floor Balcony
It's Just Me [Hidden Track]

整張專輯我陸續地聽了快一年,心中的排行榜為1. Hate me , 2.18th floor balcony 3. Into the ocean; 也從不多想他們到底長地如何?是否有MV可看?我只純粹地聽聲音、聽感覺,直到近期開始寫blog,有一股想和大家分享的情緒湧出,才多試了一些媒體,讓大家了解!

這支MV-Hate me,我看完之後反應- WOW! 我之前聽這首歌時,知道是和母親有關,但沒豎起耳朵多聽一下歌詞,直到看了MV,才發現這麼地狠,主唱Justin Furstenfeld的煙燻妝跟那精氣神完全投入的演唱,讓人有點壓力,更仔細地聽了歌詞及看了一些reviewer後,才清楚跟O.D.(overdose吸毒過量)有關,甚至很多聽者在至親好友的喪禮上演唱Hate me為死者悼念,這真地出我意料之外,每次聽都很感動的歌聲和旋律竟有如此一番故事.

影像的衝擊力量的確大很多,你或許可以試著先聽幾次再看畫面,感受看看Blue October至情至深的演唱!

專輯裏好聽的歌還有很多,Into the ocean很夏日風情,今年初夏,去鳳凌廣場買咖啡,等著等著,他們的音樂聲也傳出Into the ocean,好夏天的感覺!MV頗有康拉德-”黑暗之心”的意境.(有興趣你可以進youtube找找)

18th Floor Balcony,在youtube找到的這版本,把中間空白(hidden track)等待的部分縮短了,整首歌很長,結合了後面主題It just me, 讓你聽聽看,沒有畫面,那乾淨的聲音,小心會被溶化!後面那段歌詞很美可以好好欣賞!

Hidden track: "It's Just Me"

I lost a piece of me in you;
I think I left it in your arms.
I forget the reasons I got scared,
But remember that I cared quite a lot.

You see but lately I've been on my own.
Yeah one, but one by choice.
You see, thats a first for me,
There's only me, yeah theres only me,
And now I realize for once,
It's just me.
It's just me.
It's just me,
And I'll find a way to make it,
There's noone left to stop me.
Here I go.
Can we take it from the top?

So why so long?
So sad, I wanna be strong.
Don't try to take this from me.
I'm already spent living half my life undone
So why so long?
So sad, I wanna be strong.
Don't try to take this from me.
I've already spent my life living half undone.

I've been talking to my aunts and uncles, mom and dad again.
I've been finding out that I have what this world calls friends.
I've tried to push them all away,
They push me back and wanna stay
And that's one good thing I have.

I'm gonna feel a peace in me,
I'm gonna feel at home.
I'm gonna make this cloud above me disappear, be gone.
I wanna feel a punch inside, my heart beat on the floor.
I don't wanna hurt no more.

Yeah it's just me.
It's just me
And i'll find a way to make it.
There's noone left to stop me.
Here i go, can we take it from the top?

So why so long?
So sad, I wanna be strong.
Don't try to take her from me.
I've already spent my life living half undone.

So why so long?
So sad, i wanna be strong.
Don't try to take her from me.
I've already spent my life living half undone.

I used to be the one who won before.
I used to smile but dont no more.
I'm living just to watch it all go by.

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