
Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova "Falling Slowly"

ONCE(片名)An Irish musical film

Director:John Carney
Writer:John Carney
Release Date:23 March 2007 (Ireland)
Genre:Drama / Music / Romance more
Tagline:How often do you find the right person?

在IMDB上: 3,616 'IMDb users' have given a weighted average vote of 7.9 / 10,哇!不錯!投票人數不多,但有近八成持正面看法;雖然看電影,不該如此判斷,但在好片有時還是得自己摸索的臺灣,一些較能入門的參考還是可以先一窺門面!
注意到tagline了嗎?-HOw often do you find the right person? ,

Spielberg said , "A little movie called Once gave me enough inspiration to last the rest of the year."

ONCE, written and directed by John Carney, is the story of an Irish singer/songwriter (Hansard) who finds a muse in a Czech flower seller and aspiring pianist (Irglova) he meets on the streets of Dublin.

The film has been praised as a kind of natural musical, loaded with songs by the musicians who play together in real life under the name The Swell Season.

PS. The Swell Season 是兩位Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglová所共同錄製而成,之後再收錄到電影ONCE裏,簡單有靈氣的音樂與聲音感動了很多人,在amazon上也評價很高;這麼棒的組合,曾幫Damien Rice唱開場,我想那一定從頭美到尾!

The Swell Season封面

再搜尋博客來的CD連結時,發現專輯名稱是來自這本捷克小說The Swell Season-
捷克國寶級文學大師:喬瑟夫‧史考瑞奇(JOSEF SKVORECKY)的作品!
amazon.com 如是說:
Like the book, the record deals with the pains and hopes of those struggling to make sense of their lives. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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