台灣上映日期:2007/01/26 (原定1/5)
導演:Marc Forster
編劇:Zach Helm
演員: Will Ferrell(勁速風暴)、Maggie Gyllenhaal(怪ㄎㄚ情緣)、Dustin Hoffman(心靈偵探社)、Queen Latifah(計程車女王)、Emma Thompson(理性與感性)
☆A feel-good movie, mostly comedy but with some tragic undertones.☆
五月中看了部期待一陣子的片子-Stranger than Fiction,口白人生;第一時間知道這部片子時我知道我一定會看,那時有看了簡介,但內容也淡忘了,片名倒是印記地很深,就等它出片.
結果,它感動到我了,而且是很深的觸動,忘了那是第幾分鐘的片段,(那時還未開blog無法立即記下感觸,可惜…),男主角Harold Crick,發現他的生活被口白化了,只要他進行著他的生活routine,聲音Karen Eiffel就會在耳邊出現(小說作家Emma Thomson飾),他無助的神情,慌亂的情緒,無情地襲來,他做了他出社會後從未進行的一件事,”break the routine”,那一幕,他走回房間,砸亂了處女座般的擺設,那時的我不知怎麼搞地,情緒跟他一樣糟,那鬱悶的空氣就這麼被配樂給拉了出來,我懂,我懂為什麼那段音樂會那樣走,那段音樂更懂和Harold Crick一樣的人在想什麼;那一刻,眼淚流了下來.
Dustin Hoffman 飾演輔導他的一個多職大學文學教授Hilbert,怪了,為何是大學教授,而不是心理醫師?待你看片囉!一句”little did he know-做夢也沒想到”,就這麼一句話,本無意幫Harold Crick的教授,把這case給接了下來,故事就進行式地走著.
Emma Thomson 那濃厚的英國腔,就算不愛看書也會迷上她超情境式的描述,佩服導演有辦法把兩個人兜在一起,愛!
片子卡司超強,光是看這些組合,不看它,真地是太對不起自己了,千萬不要錯過Behind the scene幕後介紹,那是精華,不比片長短,但相信我,It’s worthy! 導演跟編劇都很年輕,尤其編劇,故事出自他手中,聽聽看他們怎麼讓這故事活出來!
我有一個習慣,喜歡用我的lap table記錄看電影時的一些美麗詞句,這部片子,給了我一篇猶如天使般的福音,更美的是Emma Thomson brings it into life! Here you are!
Bavarian Sugar Cookie- narrated by Emma Thomson
Sometimes, when we lose ourselves in fear and despair, in routine and constancy, in hopelessness and tragedy we can thank God for Bavarian sugar cookies.
And fortunately, when there aren’t any cookies we can still find reassurance in a familiar hand on our skin, or a kind and loving gesture, or a subtle encouragement or a loving embrace, or an offer of comfort. Not to mention hospital gurneys and nose plugs, and uneaten Danish and soft-spoken secrets and Fender Stratocaseters and maybe the occasional piece of fiction.
And we must remember that all these things the nuances, the anomalies, the subtitles which we assume only accessorize our days are , in fact, here for a much larger and nobler cause:
They are here to save our lives.
I know the idea seems strange, but I also know that it just so happens to be true.
And so it was: A wristwatch saved Harold Crick.
PS. Print it out and have it with you while you are watching the film.
台灣上映日期:2007/01/26 (原定1/5)
導演:Marc Forster
編劇:Zach Helm
演員: Will Ferrell(勁速風暴)、Maggie Gyllenhaal(怪ㄎㄚ情緣)、Dustin Hoffman(心靈偵探社)、Queen Latifah(計程車女王)、Emma Thompson(理性與感性)
☆A feel-good movie, mostly comedy but with some tragic undertones.☆
五月中看了部期待一陣子的片子-Stranger than Fiction,口白人生;第一時間知道這部片子時我知道我一定會看,那時有看了簡介,但內容也淡忘了,片名倒是印記地很深,就等它出片.
結果,它感動到我了,而且是很深的觸動,忘了那是第幾分鐘的片段,(那時還未開blog無法立即記下感觸,可惜…),男主角Harold Crick,發現他的生活被口白化了,只要他進行著他的生活routine,聲音Karen Eiffel就會在耳邊出現(小說作家Emma Thomson飾),他無助的神情,慌亂的情緒,無情地襲來,他做了他出社會後從未進行的一件事,”break the routine”,那一幕,他走回房間,砸亂了處女座般的擺設,那時的我不知怎麼搞地,情緒跟他一樣糟,那鬱悶的空氣就這麼被配樂給拉了出來,我懂,我懂為什麼那段音樂會那樣走,那段音樂更懂和Harold Crick一樣的人在想什麼;那一刻,眼淚流了下來.
Dustin Hoffman 飾演輔導他的一個多職大學文學教授Hilbert,怪了,為何是大學教授,而不是心理醫師?待你看片囉!一句”little did he know-做夢也沒想到”,就這麼一句話,本無意幫Harold Crick的教授,把這case給接了下來,故事就進行式地走著.
Emma Thomson 那濃厚的英國腔,就算不愛看書也會迷上她超情境式的描述,佩服導演有辦法把兩個人兜在一起,愛!
片子卡司超強,光是看這些組合,不看它,真地是太對不起自己了,千萬不要錯過Behind the scene幕後介紹,那是精華,不比片長短,但相信我,It’s worthy! 導演跟編劇都很年輕,尤其編劇,故事出自他手中,聽聽看他們怎麼讓這故事活出來!
我有一個習慣,喜歡用我的lap table記錄看電影時的一些美麗詞句,這部片子,給了我一篇猶如天使般的福音,更美的是Emma Thomson brings it into life! Here you are!
Bavarian Sugar Cookie- narrated by Emma Thomson
Sometimes, when we lose ourselves in fear and despair, in routine and constancy, in hopelessness and tragedy we can thank God for Bavarian sugar cookies.
And fortunately, when there aren’t any cookies we can still find reassurance in a familiar hand on our skin, or a kind and loving gesture, or a subtle encouragement or a loving embrace, or an offer of comfort. Not to mention hospital gurneys and nose plugs, and uneaten Danish and soft-spoken secrets and Fender Stratocaseters and maybe the occasional piece of fiction.
And we must remember that all these things the nuances, the anomalies, the subtitles which we assume only accessorize our days are , in fact, here for a much larger and nobler cause:
They are here to save our lives.
I know the idea seems strange, but I also know that it just so happens to be true.
And so it was: A wristwatch saved Harold Crick.
PS. Print it out and have it with you while you are watching the film.