
August 10th - 天敵 The Contract (English)

Director:Bruce Beresford
Actors: John Cusack/ Morgan Freeman

Plot Synopsis:The only thing standing between an assassin and his target is a father who must protect his son.

August 24th - 秋水伊人 The Unbrellas of Cherbourg (French)


August 24th - 情婦與鯨 The Whore and the Whale (Spanish)

Release date: April 2004
Director:Luis Puenzo
Writers:Ángeles González Sinde ,Lucía Puenzo
Actors:Leonardo Sbaraglia (Carmen-2003),Aitana Sanchez-Gijon (A walk in the clouds-1995),Pep Munne, Merce Llorens

Plot Synopsis: A Spanish writer finds an old coffer with photographs of an Argentine man (Leonardo Sbaraglia) who fought and died in the Spanish Civil War, and of a woman. Her quest for answers brings Vera to the Argentine Patagonia.

西語片名:La Puta y La Ballena,是部阿根廷片,好久沒特別尋找西語片來看,一看到這部簡介,馬上記住,故事頗有意思!期待!

September 7th - 老闆,我最大 The Boss Of It All

Release Date:8 December 2006 (Denmark)
Director:Lars von Trier
Writer:Lars von Trier
Actors:Jens Albinus (Idiots-1998), Peter Gantzler (Italian for Beginners-2000),Frierik Tor Frieriksson ,Benedikt Erlingsson

Plot Outline:An IT company hires an actor (Jens Albinus) to serve as the company's president in order to help the business get sold to a cranky Icelander (Fridrik Thor Fridriksson). ....

看到導演和編劇Lars Von Trier,well,還有不看的道理嗎?

(以上圖片,演員及部份簡介引自http://www.imdb.com/ )

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